1Password can't automatically sign into these forums [RESOLVED]
Hey Larry
Long time no see or I have just missed seeing you. I am able to sign in using 1P.
I just logged out and back in just to make sure I wasn't telling you something wrong.
I know you know the tried and true but have you re saved the login. Incidentally I am using the same login from the old forums. I haven't had to change url or anything its just working.
Its still using the support.agilebits url.
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Hey, Tommy...nice to see you as well! Sorry about the long-time absence, but life keeps getting in the way . We both finally retired (well, I still dabble in running a software company) but we moved to a sleepy little boating/golf community just south of Knoxville and are trying to live the American dream. It's fun being retired...but I think I'd rather have two working paychecks :-)
I had just signed into the old forums just fine using the same login I'd used forever. But when I replaced the login target with "discussions.agilebits.com" it now just brings me to the forum front door and I have to click on "Sign In", which opens a JS "SIGN IN" box, where I login it. I tried creating a new 1P login from within that JS box, but it won't work. I know I'm getting older...but I'm not totally senile yet . Wonder what going wrong?
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Were both getting older lol,
Man I look at these 20 years olds working at my company and like there is no way in he!! I can do what they can, err not now.
Interesting on the login thing. Have you tried changing it back to the old url just for giggles.
Ill forgive you for the absence, provided you try and I said try
to help when 1Password 4 ever sees the light of day. I haven't even seen it yet, but to my understanding it is being worked on internally.
Well Knoxville you say, your not to far from old Grenville SC which is my home.
Maybe my methodology is different I am not trying to auto login by clicking the url or anything I visit the site and then click login, then use the browser extension to fill the info. Could I be I mis read / understood how you were going about the login.
Oh and the 2 paychecks, lord knows I know that. Its been just me for years, tho the wife has started to bring in a little cash, from her business. (Book reviewer, and publicist )
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I can login just fine using your methodology...I just like the "Go & Fill" thing better, but it won't work here. Oh, well, Javascript does have its drawbacks, as I only know too well from all the web development stuff I still do. I'll try to get back here more often...but no promises. As you'll find out when you retire, your calendar fills up like you wouldn't believe...I'm serious! Between boating, golfing, hanging with friends, keeping up with a dozen different "Words with Friends" games, etc...man, it's tough .
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@LarryMcJ, the direct URL to the login page here is: http://discussions.agilebits.com/entry/signin
Just save a new Login item at that URL and you'll be all set.
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